Vooruitgangstraat/Rue du Progrès

A few years ago the residents of Vooruitgangstraat/Rue du Progrès in Schaarbeek learnt some sobering news: some 30 homes would have to make way for the GEN (Regional Express Network), an expansion of the North station. This was the result of ongoing change to which the metropolis was subjected.

Globe Aroma - a socio-artistic organization that promotes rendezvouses – spotted a golden opportunity to bring one of their artists into contact with the stories and recollections which were part of the street.

Working with both residents and visitors in the Vooruitgangstraat/Rue du Progrès, artist Kinch (Paul Kamisy) developed a video concert based on found items which carry traces of their original function.

The result is a video concert: shadow effects, photograms and Super 8 excerpts projected around musicians. Kinch allows sound and image to fuse together, with the sounds of the city as the voice, silence as the echo, the use of the body as rhythm,"¦

Constant has joined in organizing a part of the workshops & the public moment.

A project by: Kinch (Paul Kamisy) commissioned by Globe Aroma.

With: residents and visitors in Vooruitgangsstraat/Rue du Progrès in Schaarbeek

In collaboration with:Studio 1BIS, La Poissonnerie, GC De Kriekelaar, woningen 123 logements (homes), ABC, LCD Aksent, KU Leuven LUCA, Renovas and Constant vzw.

Co-production: Beursschouwburg

With the support of: The Flemish Minister of Culture, the Flemish Community Commission, the City of Brussels, Culture 1030 and Welzijnszorg (Public Welfare Service)

Place GaucheretPlein
1030 Brussels