Project: Algolit

Stories from the Algorithmic Forest

As a contribution to ’elif n°1 : Résistance électronique, stratégie éditoriale et cyberféminisme’, a seminar reserved for students of Ensba Lyon and Esad Saint-Etienne, An Mertens will present a series of linguistic analysis models and how their application resembles a series of tales from the forest.

Other guests are: Stéphane Lemercier (artist), Eric Watier (Monotone press), Manuel Schmalstieg (Greyscale Press), Sarah Garcin and Angeline Ostellini (G.U.I), Loraine Furter (Hybrid Consortium), Anne Laforet (artist and theory), Ludivine Loiseau and Stéphanie Vilayphiou (OSP).

@ Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon – ENSBA Lyon

8 bis Quai Saint-Vincent, 69001 Lyon, France